Help from others

It's back to school for me in August and my thoughts of catching up by September are fading quickly. I should have had this post written over a week ago. Just where has the month gone?

In previous posts (April 16th and February 21st) I've mentioned my participation in my Ravelry group, Itty Bitty Knits, monthly charity projects. Last month I had the honor of being the August host. My chosen charity was of course, Halos of Hope. Our wonderful group knit and crocheted a wonderful collection of 31 colorful hats that I proudly donated to Halos of Hope when they were at Stitches Midwest. It was great fun receiving the many packages, even the rather battered one all the way from Northern Ireland. I truly appreciated how each of the women embraced my charity as their own for the month.

And the help from others keeps on coming. Last week my husband had a meeting at his office in Grand Rapids and was talking to a co-worker about my project and all the hats I make. I'm always pleased to hear him sharing since that means he doesn't mind me buying more yarn. :-) A wonderful thing happened. The young lady he was speaking to happened to be a knitter, and just happened to have a bag of hats at home. She loved what I was doing and wanted to donate her hats too. How awesome was that? And her hats are simply beautiful.


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