Swapping fun

One of the fun things I do on Ravelry is organizing and/or participating in fun little mini-swaps. Typically centered on a theme, with simple rules: You send a small handmade item, small treat and card to a randomly assigned partner. You'll receive a similar package in the mail. We chat, we exchange ideas, we find new patterns. It is manageable in both time and cost.

This winter I participated in two, call me crazy. One with my IBK friends on Ravelry, and another with my dear Tipsy Squirrel friends via our usual text group. It gave me an opportunity to finally make Susan B. Anderson's Little Long John's (available on Ravelry or at Barrett Wool Co.) and her Tiny Top-Down Pullover Sweater (available on Ravelry). The long john's were made with Barrett Wool Co. fingering and the sweater in Cascade 220. Details are on my project page.

In return my IBK swap partner sent a tiny red sweater, which was oh so adorable. But seriously, the best gift ever, came from my Tipsy Squirrel friend Linda. She sent me this amazing hat garland. She declared me the "Hat Queen", lol. I believe she used a few patterns, but made up the rest as she went. 

I plan on bringing it to Japan with me. I'll find the perfect place to hang it, especially since I've no idea where my daughter's holiday decorations will be when the household goods finally arrive. I'm certain it will bring the right amount of festive cheer amid the cardboard boxes.

Have a wonderful holiday season my friends.


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