A Slip of a Swap

You'all know I love my swaps. Especially the mini-swaps I organize for the Itty Bitty Knitting Group on Ravelry. For the most part, they are the only swaps I participate in, but they are also quite fun. Why? Not because I'm getting something in the mail (although that part is nice). I love taking the time to select just the right crafted item to send to my swap partner as it takes a bit thought and searching through their on-line presence to decide what to make.

For this particular swap, during this particular period in time, the swap was intended to be something we could easily mail in whatever envelope we had handy at home. In case the swap participate didn't feel comfortable heading off to the post office (and depending on what part of the country, this was a very real possibility).

For my partner I liked the idea of a bookmark and my project kind of morphed from there in to the hanging decoration/ornament it eventually became.

I started with the free Bunny Bookmark from TwinsKnit's blogspot via Ravelry (she also has many super cute patterns on her site). From there I modified the pattern, although I didn't take very good notes as I went I did try to add what I could remember to my Ravelry project page.

The face is embroidered with floss and a touch of wool for the nose. And the basket of flowers, feet and paws are wool scraps. The yarn is BB Cakes, which is now called BB Toes by TuckerWoods Artisan Yarns & Fibers. I've had it forever in a couple of different colors. I used London Fog (gray), and Aegean Sea (blue) for the bunny and then added in Wineberry to make the braided cording. 

Although he wasn't what I started out making, I'm sure happy with how he came out and my swap partner thought so too.  I was able to combine both knitting and wool appliqué, that's a win in my book.


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