Answering the call

Hats for Sailors requested more hats. They needed to be knit up quickly since there was less than a week to get them finished and mailed. A perfect opportunity to pull out my Addi Express and learn how to use it. I watched lots of YouTube videos and became a bit more proficient with each hat.

Not only did I need the knitting machine, but a pick. While I didn't have the actual tool I did have a small crochet hook from my grandmother that had a slight hook on the opposite end. Worked well enough for me and I thought of grandmother with each hat.

This is nine of the hats I'm sending. You'll notice all of the same type of brim. This was the first technique I learned via the Crafty Ginger's video. For the bottom right hat I learned how to do a Fairisle stitch via theanswerladyknits video. The center hat was my most adventurous method. After finishing the knit, the hat is removed in such a way to purposefully drop stitches. These are then crocheted back creating the braided look. I adapted Littlejohn's Yarn method into a crowned hat.

Overall I'm able to send eleven more hats. Not bad for a weekend's work (I also managed to finish painting the bedroom). Complete details on each hat can be found on my Ravelry project page.


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