The Rainbow Connection.

When I don't feel like knitting, or I'm simply mentally drained, I pull out some yarn to make a baby hat. I've mentioned it before, but honestly why not mention it again. Nothing makes me feel better than quickly finishing up a baby hat. It can be simple or as in this case, I was a little more creative and dug through my scraps bag and pulled together a rainbow of colors.

The yarn is Berroco Comfort, although I've no idea the actual colorways. They were in my scrap bag afterall. I played yarn chicken with the green, and finished with about twelve inches left. lol.  I"m always happy when the finished hat looks similar to what I pictured in my head when I started. 

This is be one of I'm sure several I'll donate to the next IBK charity. If you'd like to know more, you can find our group in Ravelry. (linked)


  1. Berroco Comfort is such a good workhorse yarn. And this baby hat certainly brings a smile to my face and will no doubt bring one to new parents as well.

    1. Thanks, I do love this yarn and the way the hat worked out.


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