Looking for a way to help
Since meeting Pam Haschke, Halos of Hope founder, last spring I have become increasingly more personally involved in making caps/hats for donation to her charity. The way I think about how a yarn will work and which pattern to try has worked its way from a deliberate thought process to a more unconscious natural one. And as I've been slowly changing I've been exposing my family to this change along the way. At first, my husband didn't really want to know why I was knitting the caps/hats, he simply didn't want to think about who received them. Now he actually asks if I'm working on another one and is taking an interest in how many I've completed. My son.... well he's an 18 year old boy (enough said). My daughter on the other hand is looking for a way to help.
She doesn't knit, crochet, or sew. We thought perhaps the Kwik-Sew 3173 no-sew pattern would do the trick. Apparently not. She's not happy with her results. I do have to say, they are not as cute as the one I saw at Midwest Fiber (look in the upper right of the photo). I don't think it is her construction technique, but her choices of fleece. We haven't given up on this idea, we just need to make some changes and try again.
However...she's determined to find a different path, one that "feels" right. So last night...crochet lesson #1. We finished the first row of the Shells and Trellis hat. Be still my heart.
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